DURATION: 3.5 hrs/approx 2 hrs ashore | COST: £35 per person
SCHEDULE: if not scheduled, please contact us.
Go Ashore & Explore say Island, designated in recent years as a special area of conservation for its common seal habitat. This delightful island, one of three, sits in Lochbay, central like a jewel, with panoramic views of Macleod Tables, the Cuillin’s and the Hebridean Archipelago on its horizons.
Now considered by some as ‘remote’, it was historically a rich and sustaining island, at the center of the ancient maritime superhighway. The Vikings, Celts, Gaels and Scottish Clans have all fought fervently over this island and it was inhabited by almost 100 crofter/fishers until the late Victorian era when the fishing Station on Isay was cleared to make way for sheep. There are descendants worldwide with ancestral connection to this beautiful island, who take this opportunity to ‘come home’. Now reclaimed by wildlife its tranquility nourishes the spirit, and its silence is golden, earning it the mythical name ‘Tir Nan Og.’
It’s habitat supports common seals, and a myriad of migrating birds. Here resourceful gulls, ducks and geese craft magnificent nests on the shoreline and in the flag iris and reed beds with utter abandon. As you wander the coast watch seals, with newborn pups enjoying piggyback rides, and sit quietly by deep sided gulleys and watch for otter kits as they call for Mum, perhaps hooked in the kelp feasting on fish in the sun. Cormorant, guillemot and razorbill perch on small cliffs as sea-eagles soar aloft. Peek into rock pools for startlingly bright anemones and mermaids’ toenails. Guddle in the seaweed shadows where butterfish slide into shelter. Here you’ll spot heron patrol the tideline stalking for dinner, as sandpipers, curlews, and tern call in the summer breeze.
As you continue to explore the shoreline and its abandoned cottages, watch the bog cotton blow in the breeze as butterflies’ flit from orchid to sea thrift. Perhaps you’ll hear the echo of bygone children’s laughter flutter in the wind. It’s a truly magical, tranquil and peaceful island and one that you’ll carry in your heart forever.
ACCESS: Please read our ACCESS statement | DOGS: Will not be permitted access during nesting season | INDEPENDANT EXPLORATION: No guiding is included and no liability can be accepted while you are ashore exploring independantly | FITNESS DECLARATION: You will be asked to confirm your fitness to participate in this trip at the time of booking.
WHAT TO BRING: While we will not land you in inclement weather, you should prepare for all weather, it can change suddenly and unexpectedly. The island terrain is rough so walking boots are strongly advised, a simple first aid kit, and a mobile phone. You will be given instructions on how to alert attention in a medical emergency.
Detailed instructions will be sent with your tickets. You may find our FAQ’s useful.

DURATION: 3.5 hrs/approx 2 hrs ashore
COST: £35 per person
SCHEDULE: if not scheduled, please contact us.
Experience time ashore to explore on Isay Island, designated in recent years as a special area of conservation for its common seal habitat. This delightful island, one of three, sits in Lochbay, central like a jewel, with panoramic views of Macleod Tables, the Cuillin’s and the Hebridean Archipelago on its horizons.
Now considered by some as ‘remote’, it was historically a rich and sustaining island, at the center of the ancient maritime superhighway. The Vikings, Celts, Gaels and Scottish Clans have all fought fervently over this island and it was inhabited by almost 100 crofter/fishers until the late Victorian era when the fishing Station on Isay was cleared to make way for sheep. There are descendants worldwide with ancestral connection to this beautiful island, who take this opportunity to ‘come home’. Now reclaimed by wildlife its tranquility nourishes the spirit, and its silence is golden, earning it the mythical name ‘Tir Nan Og.’
It’s habitat supports common seals, and a myriad of migrating birds. Here resourceful gulls, ducks and geese craft magnificent nests on the shoreline and in the flag iris and reed beds with utter abandon. As you wander the coast watch seals, with newborn pups enjoying piggyback rides, and sit quietly by deep sided gulleys and watch for otter kits as they call for Mum, perhaps hooked in the kelp feasting on fish in the sun. Cormorant, guillemot and razorbill perch on small cliffs as sea-eagles soar aloft. Peek into rock pools for startlingly bright anemones and mermaids’ toenails. Guddle in the seaweed shadows where butterfish slide into shelter. Here you’ll spot heron patrol the tideline stalking for dinner, as sandpipers, curlews, and tern call in the summer breeze.
As you continue to explore the shoreline and its abandoned cottages, watch the bog cotton blow in the breeze as butterflies’ flit from orchid to sea thrift. Perhaps you’ll hear the echo of bygone children’s laughter flutter in the wind. It’s a truly magical, tranquil and peaceful island and one that you’ll carry in your heart forever.
ACCESS: Please read our ACCESS statement
DOGS: Will not be permitted access during nesting season
INDEPENDANT EXPLORATION: No guiding is included and no liability can be accepted while you are ashore exploring independantly
FITNESS DECLARATION: You will be asked to confirm your fitness to participate in this trip at the time of booking.
WHAT TO BRING: we will not land you in inclement weather. You should prepare for all weather, it can change suddenly and unexpectedly. The island terrain is rough, so walking boots are strongly advised, as well as simple first aid kit, and a mobile phone. You will be given instructions on how to alert attention in a medical emergency.
Detailed instructions will be sent with your tickets. You may find our FAQ’s useful.